Saturday, May 22, 2010

My English Blog

All the while I am mainly paying attention to manderin (华语)blog. The thought of giving comments on English blog put me in fear. How about those English speaking people around to reciprocate giving comments while visiting my manderin blog.

Ha,ha! This is the reason for me setting up an English in order to cater the purpose I mentioned above. I may be the new bird,with all experiened blog around, very soon you will find a better and improved version of mine.

Lastly, I would like to welcome all of you out there to give comment on my blog . We live to share and be happy with things around.


  1. Hello OhChek, thank you for dropping by my place.
    You doing fine with your 'English' blog here.
    Don't worry about your 'English' just blog or post from your heart. Your English is very good.

    Everyone can understand....and I personally never liked people who blog trying to impress, using BIG words that needs a dictionary to understand.
    So, go ahead and have fun....thats what blogging is about, as well making friends with people around the World.

    You now have a new friend, ha A Canadian.
    You have a nice day and keep well, and once again, thank you for dropping by. Best regards, Lee.

  2. Hello Lee,

    It is so inspiring to have you as my 1st "customer".

    I like your frank comment and my sincere salute to you. Wish you well all days.
